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NASA-SP-8001-REV Buffeting during atmospheric ascent. 70/11/00 19 PAGES 71N20473 #
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H. A. Cole, Jr.*, A. L. Erickson* and A. G. Rainey**, Buffeting during atmospheric ascent, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8001(REV) , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), *Ames Research, **Langley Research Center, May 1964, Revised November 1970, pp. 19, (71N20473).
Keywords:: space vehicles, ascent, buffeting, spacecraft, design, spacecraft, stability, aeroelasticity, earth atmosphere, optimization
Abstract:: Aeroelastic spacecraft design to minimize buffeting during atmospheric ascent.

NASA-SP-8002 Flight-loads measurements during launch and exit. 64/12/00 7 PAGES 66N85660 #
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Flight-loads measurements during launch and exit, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA, Volume 3: Structures. Part D: Testing. Chapter 3: Structural Tests (Flight). Section 1: Flight-loads measurements during launch and exit, NASA SP-8002 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), December 1964, pp. 8, (66N85660).
Keywords:: aerodynamic loads, criteria, design analysis, launching

NASA-SP-8003 Flutter, buzz, and divergence. 64/07/00 10 PAGES 70N71604 #
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Flutter, buzz, and divergence, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA Volume 3: Structures. Part B: Loads and structural dynamics. Chapter 1: General criteria. Section 1: Flutter, buzz, and divergence , NASA SP-8003 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), July 1964, pp. 10, (70N71604).
Keywords: dynamic structural analysis, flutter, nonoscillatory action, spacecraft design, aerodynamic stability, divergence, dynamic pressure, stability tests

NASA-SP-8004 Panel flutter. 72/06/00 52 PAGES 73N11932 #
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E. H. Dowell*, Panel flutter, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (STRUCTURES), NASA SP-8004(REV) , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), *Princeton Unversity, Langley Research Center, July 1964 Revised June 1972 , pp. 51, (73N11932).
Keywords: structural mechanics, flutter analysis, panel flutter, spacecraft design, structural design criteria, performance prediction, structural vibration, vibration mode, wind tunnel models
Abstract: Criteria are presented for the prediction of panel flutter, determination of its occurrence, design for its prevention, and evaluation of its severity. Theoretical analyses recommended for the prediction of flutter stability boundaries, vibration amplitudes, and frequencies for several types of panels are described. Vibration tests and wind tunnel tests are recommended for certain panels and environmental flow conditions to provide information for design of verification analysis. Appropriate design margins on flutter stability boundaries are given and general criteria are presented for evaluating the severity of possible short-duration, limited-amplitude panel flutter on nonreusable vehicles.

NASA-SP-8005-REV Solar electromagnetic radiation. 71/05/00 36 PAGES 71N30888 #
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Solar electromagnetic radiation, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8005(REV) , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), July 1965 Revised May 1971, pp. 34, (71N30888).
Keywords: space radiation, solar constant, solar radiation, spacecraft design, airborne equipment, damage, electromagnetic radiation, experiment design, radiation effects, systems engineering
Abstract: Values for solar constant and solar spectral irradiance based on air and spaceborne observations for use in design of spacecraft, space vehicles, subsystems, and experiments.

NASA-SP-8006 Local steady aerodynamic loads. 65/05/00 12 PAGES 70N71605 #
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Local Steady Aerodynamic Loads During Launch and Exit, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA Volume 3: Structures. Part B: Loads and structural dynamics. Chapter 3: Launch and exit. Section 2: Local steady aerodynamic loads., NASA SP-8006 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), May 1965, pp. 12, (70N71605).
Keywords: aerodynamic loads, differential pressure, dynamic structural analysis, spacecraft design, spacecraft launching, ventilation

NASA-SP-8007 Buckling of thin-walled circular cylinders. 68/08/00 58 PAGES 69N23320 #
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V. I. Weingarten*, P. Seide* and J.P. Peterson**, Buckling of thin-walled circular cylinders, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8007 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), *University of Southern California, **NASA Langley Research Center., September 1965 Revised August 1968, pp. 56, (69N23320).
Keywords: structural mechanics, buckling, circular shells, cylindrical shells, reinforced shells, static loads,thin walled shells, axial compression loads, bending, sandwich structures, torsion
Abstract: Predicting buckling of thin walled, uniform stiffened and unstiffened circular cylindrical shells under static loading.

NASA-SP-8008 Prelaunch ground wind loads. 65/11/00 16 PAGES 70N71628 #
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Prelaunch ground wind loads, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA, NASA SP-8008 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), November 1965, pp. 16, (70N71628).
Keywords: aerodynamic loads, prelaunch problems, spacecraft design, structural stability, wind effects, aerodynamic coefficients, dynamic loads, dynamic structural analysis, gust loads, structural vibration, transient oscillations, wind pressure, wind tunnel models, wind tunnel stability tests

NASA-SP-8009 Propellant slosh loads. 68/08/00 30 PAGES 69N14553 #
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Propellant slosh loads, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8009 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), August 1968, pp. 30, (69N14553).
Keywords: structural mechanics, liquid sloshing, load distribution (forces), spacecraft, structural design, baffles, criteria, oscillation dampers, propellant tanks
Abstract: Propellant slosh load criteria for design of space vehicles.

NASA-SP-8010 Models of Mars' atmosphere (1974). 74/12/00 52 PAGES 75N19107 #
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Models of Mars' atmosphere (1974), NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8010(REV) , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, December 1974, pp. 53, (75N19107).
Keywords: lunar and planetarty exploration, atmospheric models, environment simulation, mars atmosphere, design analysis, mission planning, spacecraft design
Abstract:: Atmospheric models for support of design and mission planning of space vehicles that are to orbit the planet Mars, enter its atmosphere, or land on the surface are presented. Quantitative data for the Martian atmosphere were obtained from Earth-base observations and from spacecraft that have orbited Mars or passed within several planetary radii. These data were used in conjunction with existing theories of planetary atmospheres to predict other characteristics of the Martian atmosphere. Earth-based observations provided information on the composition, temperature, and optical properties of Mars with rather coarse spatial resolution, whereas spacecraft measurements yielded data on composition, temperature, pressure, density, and atmospheric structure with moderately good spatial resolution. The models provide the temperature, pressure, and density profiles required to perform basic aerodynamic analyses. The profiles are supplemented by computed values of viscosity, specific heat, and speed of sound.

NASA-SP-8011-REV Models of Venus atmosphere (1972). 72/09/00 63 PAGES 73N16824 #
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Models of Venus atmosphere (1972), NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (ENVIRONMENT), NASA SP-8011(REV) , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD, United States), Revised September 1972 , pp. 63, (73N16824).
Keywords: space sciences, atmospheric models, Venus atmosphere, quantitative analysis, satellite observation
Abstract: Criteria were developed in the following areas: environment, structures, guidance and control, and chemical propulsion. Quantitative data for the Venus atmosphere were obtained from earth-based observations and from spacecraft which have entered the Venus atmosphere or passed within several planetary radii of the planet. The models provide the temperature, pressure, and density profiles required to perform basic aerodynamic analyses. A set of engineering models are provided for the Venus atmosphere, based on theory and measured data available in January 1972.

NASA-SP-8012 Natural vibration modal analysis. 68/09/00 35 PAGES 69N22773 #
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J. S. Archer, Natural vibration modal analysis, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8012 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Langley Research Center., September 1968, pp. 34, (69N22773).
Keywords: structural mechanics, criteria, resonant frequencies, spacecraft design structural vibration, vibration mode, data processing, data reduction, dynamic structural analysis, equations of motion, full scale tests, mathematical models, problem solving, static tests
Abstract: Natural vibration modal analysis as related to space vehicle design criteria

NASA-SP-8013 Meteoroid environment model - 1969 (Near earth to lunar surface). 69/03/00 35 PAGES 69N40326 #
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B. G. Cour-Palais, Meteorid environment model - 1969 [near earth to lunar surface], NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8013 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), March 1969, pp. 35, (69N40326).
Keywords: space sciences, astronomical models, comets, interplanetary space, meteoroid concentration, meteoroid hazards, earth atmosphere, environment simulation, lunar atmosphere, meteorites, meteoritic damage
Abstract: Meteoroid environment model for cometary origin near earth to lunar surface

NASA-SP-8014 Entry thermal protection. 68/08/00 37 PAGES 69N71545 #
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M. M. Sherman*, Entry thermal protection, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8014 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA, United States), *Philco-Ford Corporation, August 1968, pp. 37, (69N71545).
Keywords: reentry shielding, spacecraft reentry, systems engineering, thermal protection, ablative materials, film cooling, heat sinks, radiative heat transfer, space environment simulation, structural design, sweat cooling

NASA-SP-8015 Guidance and navigation for entry vehicles. 68/11/00 47 PAGES 69N19518 #
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Guidance and navigation for entry vehicles, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance and Control), NASA SP-8015 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA, United States), November 1968, pp. 47, (69N19518).
Keywords: navigation, atmospheric entry, reentry guidance, reentry vehicles, attitude stability, lift drag ratio, navigation
Abstract: Guidance and navigation for atmospheric entry phase of vehicles

NASA-SP-8016 Effects of structural flexibility on spacecraft control systems. 69/04/00 47 PAGES 69N37030 #
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Effects of structural flexibility on spacecraft control systems, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance and Control), NASA SP-8016 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), April 1969, pp. 47, (69N37030).
Keywords: space vehicles, control stability, flexible bodies, spacecraft design, spacecraft stability, stability tests, resonance testing, spin stabilization, structural stability, vibration tests
Abstract: Design and test criteria regarding structural flexibility effects on spacecraft stability and control systems

NASA-SP-8017 Magnetic fields - Earth and terrestrial. 69/03/00 70 PAGES 69N40269 #
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M. Harris, R. Lyle, Magnetic fields - Earth and terrestrial, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8017 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD, United States), March 1969, pp. 70, (69N40269).
Keywords: space vehicles, earth magnetosphere, geomagnetism, magnetic effects, planetary magnetic fields, magnetic anomalies, magnetic disturbances, magnetic variations
Abstract:: Strength and direction data on earth and extraterrestrial magnetic fields for guidance in vehicle design

NASA-SP-8018 Spacecraft magnetic torques. 69/03/00 55 PAGES 69N30339 #
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Spacecraft magnetic torques, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8018 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Electronics Research Center (Cambridge, MA, United States), March 1969, pp. 55, (69N30339).
Keywords: space vehicles, electromagnetic interactions, magnetic fields, spacecraft control, torque, dipole moments, hysteresis, magnetic disturbances, magnetic properties, spacecraft design, spin reduction, systems engineering
Abstract:: Magnetic torque resulting from interaction between magnetic properties of spacecraft and ambient magnetic field

NASA-SP-8019 Buckling of thin-walled truncated cones. 68/09/00 32 PAGES 69N24131 #
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P. Seide* and V. I. Weingarten*, Buckling of thin-walled truncated cones, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8019 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Langley Research Center and *University of Southern California, September 1968, pp. 32, (69N24131).
Keywords: structural mechanics, buckling, conical shells, static loads, thin walls, approximation, cylindrical shells, reinforced shells
Abstract:: Buckling of thin walled truncated conical shells under static loads

NASA-SP-8020 Surface models of Mars, 1975. 75/09/00 84 PAGES 75N32989 #
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Surface models of Mars, 1975, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8020 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Revised September 1975, pp. 84, (75N32989).
Keywords: lunar and planetary exploration, mars surface, mission planning, spacecraft design, surface properties, dielectrics, optical properties, systems engineering
Abstract:: Data derived from Mariners 6, 7, and 9, Russian Mars probes, and photographic and radar observations conducted from earth are used to develop engineering models of Martian surface properties. These models are used in mission planning and in the design of landing and exploration vehicles. Optical models needed in the design of camera systems, dielectric properties needed in the design of radar systems, and thermal properties needed in the design of the spacecraft thermal control system are included.

NASA-SP-8021 Models of earth's atmosphere (90 to 2500 km). 73/03/00 63 PAGES 73N27325 #
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Models of earth's atmosphere (90 to 2500 km), NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8021 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD, United States), March 1973, pp. 63, (73N27325).
Keywords: geophysics, atmospheric density, atmospheric models, atmospheric temperature, upper atmosphere, earth atmosphere, mission planning, spacecraft design, torque
Abstract:: This monograph replaces a monograph on the upper atmosphere which was a computerized version of Jacchia's model. The current model has a range from 90 to 2500 km. In addition to the computerized model, a quick-look prediction method is given that may be used to estimate the density for any time and spatial location without using a computer.

NASA-SP-8022 Staging loads. 69/02/00 30 PAGES 71N28634 #
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R. L. Goldman*, Staging loads - Space vehicle design criteria, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8022 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Langley Research Center and *Research Institute for Advanced Studies , February 1969, pp. 30, (71N28634).
Keywords: structural mechanics, loads (forces), spacecraft design, stage separation,
Abstract:: Analysis of loads produced on spacecraft by staging operations and practices to insure that staging loads are included in spacecraft design. spacecraft structures, stress analysis, structural analysis

NASA-SP-8023 Lunar surface models. 69/05/00 60 PAGES 70N18901 #
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Lunar surface models NASA space vehicle design criteria /Environment/, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8023 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (Huntsville, AL, United States) , May 1969, pp. 60, (70N18901).
Keywords: space sciences, aerospace engineering, lunar topography, mechanical engineering, models, dielectric properties, mission planning, nasa programs, optical properties, power spectra, soils, tables (data), terrain analysis
Abstract:: Engineering models of lunar topography including dielectric, optical, terrain, and crater models.

NASA-SP-8024 Spacecraft gravitational torques. 69/05/00 51 PAGES 70N23418 #
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Spacecraft gravitational torques, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance and Control), NASA SP-8024 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (Huntsville, AL, United States) , May 1969, pp. 51, (70N23418).
Keywords: navigation, gravitational effects, satellite design, satellite attitude control, torque
Abstract:: Gravitational torque effects and analysis for satellite design.

NASA-SP-8025 Solid rocket motor metal cases. 70/04/00 103 PAGES 70N29740 #
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Solid rocket motor metal cases, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical Propulsion), NASA SP-8025 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), April 1970, pp. 103, (70N29740).
Keywords: space vehicles, rocket engine cases, solid rocket propellants, systems engineering, optimization, rocket engine design
Abstract:: Guidelines and practices for design of solid rocket motor cases.

NASA-SP-8026 Spacecraft star trackers. 70/07/00 69 PAGES 70N38721 #
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Spacecraft star trackers, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance and Control), NASA SP-8026 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Kollsman Instrument Corp. (Elmhurst, NY, United States), July 1970, pp. 69, (70N38721).
Keywords: space vehicles, aerospace engineering, spacecraft guidance, star trackers, electronic packaging, optical equipment, photometers, signal to noise ratios, systems analysis
Abstract:: Design criteria for spacecraft star trackers.

NASA-SP-8027 Spacecraft radiation torques. 69/10/00 41 PAGES 71N24312 #
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Spacecraft Radiation Torques, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance and Control), NASA SP-8027 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), October 1969, pp. 41, (71N24312).
Keywords: space vehicles, attitude control, radiation effects, radiation sources, spacecraft stability torque, electromagnetic radiation, infrared radiation, solar radiation, spacecraft configurations, surface properties
Abstract:: Radiation torque sources and effects on spacecraft and spacecraft attitude control system design

NASA-SP-8028 Entry vehicle control. 69/11/00 51 PAGES 70N28538 #
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Entry Vehicle Control, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance and Control), NASA SP-8028 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Electronics Research Center (Cambridge, MA, United States), November 1969, pp. 51, (70N28538).
Keywords: navigation, reentry vehicles, spacecraft control, apollo spacecraft, gemini spacecraft, performance tests, spacecraft stability, systems engineering, x-15 aircraft
Abstract:: Stabilization and control systems for reentry vehicle

NASA-SP-8029 Aerodynamic and rocket-exhaust heating during launch and ascent. 69/05/00 33 PAGES 70N18828 #
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Aerodynamic And Rocket-Exhaust Heating During Launch And Ascent, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8029 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA, United States), May 1969, pp. 33, (70N18828).
Keywords: thermodynamics and compustion, aerodynamic heating, ascent trajectories, rocket exhaust, spacecraft launching, aeronautical engineering, criteria, exhaust gases, heat transfer, meteorological parameters
Abstract:: Aerodynamic and rocket exhaust heating during launch and ascent

NASA-SP-8030 Transient loads from thrust excitation. 69/02/00 28 PAGES 71N24281 #
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Transient Loads From Thrust Excitation, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8030 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA, United States), Feb 1969, pp. 28, (71N24281).
Keywords: liquid propellant rocket engines, solid propellant rocket engines, transient loads, transient response, combustion physics, ignition, rocket flight, rocket launching
Abstract:: Analysis of transient loads produced by ignition of rocket engine during launch and flight operations for solid and liquid propellant rocket engines

NASA-SP-8031 Slosh suppression. 69/05/00 36 PAGES 70N21848 #
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Slosh Suppression NASA Space Vehicle Design Criteria, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8031 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), May 1969, pp. 36, (70N21848).
Keywords: fluid mechanics, control stability, liquid rocket propellants, liquid sloshing, viscous damping, aerospace vehicles, baffles, interface stability, propellant tanks, suppressors
Abstract:: Slosh suppression devices for aerospace vehicle control stability

NASA-SP-8032 Buckling of thin-walled doubly curved shells. 69/08/00 35 PAGES 70N22356 #
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Buckling Of Thin-Walled Doubly Curved Shells, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8032 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), August 1969, pp. 36, (70N22356).
Keywords: structural mechanics, buckling, loads (forces), thin walled shells, aerospace engineering, aerospace vehicles, bulkheads compression loads, elastic buckling, plastic deformation, shells (structural forms)
Abstract:: Criteria and recommended practices for design of compressively loaded thin walled doubly curved shells

NASA-SP-8033 Spacecraft earth horizon sensors. 69/12/00 49 PAGES 70N35570 #
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Spacecraft Earth Horizon Sensors, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance and Control), NASA SP-8033 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Dec. 1969, pp. 49, (70N35570).
Keywords: navigation, horizon scanners, spacecraft instruments, systems engineering, checkout, conical scanning, electromagnetic interference, infrared scanners, radiation damage, remote sensors
Abstract:: Engineering design of spacecraft earth horizon sensors

NASA-SP-8034 Spacecraft mass expulsion torques. 69/12/00 39 PAGES 70N36852 #
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Spacecraft Mass Expulsion Torques, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance and Control), NASA SP-8034 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA, United States), Dec. 1969, pp. 39, (70N36852).
Keywords: space vehicles, exhaust systems, expulsion, mass flow, spacecraft design, torque, exhaust velocity, outgassing, spacecraft control, sublimation
Abstract:: Spacecraft design considerations associated with disturbance torques caused by mass expulsion

NASA-SP-8035 Wind loads during ascent. 70/06/00 36 PAGES 70N36953 #
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Wind Loads During Ascent, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8035 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), June 1970, pp. 36, (70N36953).
Keywords: meteorology, mathematical models, spacecraft design, structural strain, wind effects, ascent trajectories, three dimensional flow
Abstract:: Determining wind induced structural loads on space vehicle during ascent.

NASA-SP-8036 Effects of structural flexibility on launch vehicle control systems. 70/02/00 51 PAGES 70N39774 #
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Effects Of Structural Flexibility On Launch Vehicle Control Systems, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance and Control), NASA SP-8036 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. (Cambridge, MA, United States), Feb. 1970, pp. 51, (70N39774).
Keywords: space vehicles, dynamic structural analysis, flexibility, launch vehicles, spacecraft control, systems engineering, deformation, environments, feedback control, mathematical models
Abstract:: Structural flexibility effects on launch vehicle control systems and design criteria.

NASA-SP-8037 Assessment and control of spacecraft magnetic fields. 70/09/00 30 PAGES 71N13078 #
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Assessment and Control of Spacecraft Magnetic Fields, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8037 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Sept. 1970, pp. 30, (71N13078).
Keywords: space vehicles, magnetic fields, magnetic measurement, spacecraft environments, magnetic effects magnetic signals, spacecraft design
Abstract:: Assessment and control of spacecraft magnetic fields.

NASA-SP-8038 Meteoroid environment model, 1970 - Interplanetary and planetary. 70/10/00 69 PAGES 71N17525 #
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Meteoroid Environment Model, 1970 - Interplanetary and Planetary, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8038 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (Houston, TX, United States), Oct. 1970, pp. 69, (71N17525).
Keywords: space sciences, astronomical models, meteoroid concentration, space missions, spacecraft design, density (number/volume), meteoroid hazards
Abstract:: Astronomical meteoroid environment model for space missions.

NASA-SP-8039 Solid rocket motor performance analysis and prediction 71/05/00 113 PAGES 72N18785 #
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Solid Rocket Motor Performance Analysis and Prediction, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical Propulsion), NASA SP-8039 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), July 1965 Revised May 1971, pp. 113, (72N18785).
Keywords: propulsion systems, propulsion system performance, rocket engine design, solid propellant rocket engines, burning rate, burning time, chemical propulsion, combustion efficiency, rocket nozzles, rocket thrust
Abstract:: Current design practices are reviewed and assessed, and guidance is established for achieving greater consistency in design, reliability in the end product, and efficiency in the design effort. The total problem is discussed, and design elements involved in successful design are identified. Design criteria are described, and the rule, guide, limitation, or standard which must be imposed on each essential design element is given. Recommended practices are presented for satisfying each of the criteria.

NASA-SP-8040 Fracture control of metallic pressure vessels. 70/05/00 65 PAGES 71N14130 #
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C. F. Tiffany*, Fracture Control of Metallic Pressure Vessels, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8040 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), *Boeing Co. (Seattle, WA, United States), May 1970, pp. 65, (71N14130).
Keywords: materials, metallic, fracture strength, optimization, pressure vessel design, metal shells, shells (structural forms), structural design
Abstract:: Design criteria for fracture optimization of metallic pressure vessels

NASA-SP-8041 Captive-fired testing of solid rocket motors. 71/03/00 101 PAGES 71N30866 #
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Captive-fired testing of solid rocket motors , NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical Propulsion), NASA SP-8041 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), March 1971, pp. 101, (71N30866).
Keywords: propulsion systems, captive tests, prefiring tests, solid propellant rocket engines, test facilities, thrust measurement, engine design, flight tests
Abstract:: Captive-fired testing of solid rocket motors for design criteria

NASA-SP-8042 Meteoroid damage assessment. 70/05/00 50 PAGES 71N25070 #
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Meteoroid Damage Assessment, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8042 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), May 1970, pp. 50, (71N25070).
Keywords: space sciences, meteoroid protection, spacecraft reliability, structural reliability, meteoroid hazards
Abstract:: Meteoroid damage determination and spacecraft structure protection and reliability

NASA-SP-8043 Design-development testing. 70/05/00 35 PAGES 71N25069 #
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Design-Development Testing, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8043 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), May 1970, pp. 35, (71N25069).
Keywords: space vehicles, spacecraft components, spacecraft structures, structural analysis, spacecraft design, structural design
Abstract:: Criteria and produres for testing spacecraft structural elements and components

NASA-SP-8044 Qualification testing. 70/05/00 30 PAGES 71N29045 #
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Qualification Testing, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8044 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States),NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA, United States), May 1970, pp. 30, (71N29045).
Keywords: structural mechanics, quality control, reliability engineering, spacecraft structures, structural analysis, equipment specifications, manufacturing, production, engineering, requirements
Abstract:: Qualification tests conducted on flight quality components, subsystems, and systems to prove that structural design requirements have been achieved

NASA-SP-8045 Acceptance testing. 70/04/00 34 PAGES 71N31033 #
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Acceptance Testing, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8045 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States),NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA, United States), April 1970, pp. 34, (71N31033).
Keywords: space vehicles, standardization of structural acceptance tests conducted on flight, hardware, acceptability, quality control, standardization, criteria, equipment specifications
Abstract:: Standardization of structural acceptance tests conducted on flight hardware

NASA-SP-8046 Landing impact attenuation for non-surface- planing landers. 70/04/00 47 PAGES 70N38294 #
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Jones, R. H.* , Landing Impact Attenuation For Non-Surface-Planing Landers, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8046 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), *Hughes Aircraft Co. (Culver City, CA, United States), April 1970, pp. 47, (70N38294).
Keywords: structural mechanics, aerospace engineering, impact loads, landing modules, deceleration, dynamic stability, impact acceleration, payloads, touchdown
Abstract:: Landing impact attenuation for non-surface planing landers

NASA-SP-8047 Spacecraft sun sensors. 70/06/00 42 PAGES 71N17756 #
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Spacecraft Sun Sensors, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8047 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), June 1970, pp. 42, (71N17756).
Keywords: attitude control, equipment specifications, solar sensors, spacecraft control, navigation aids, reference systems
Abstract:: Design criteria and performance specifications for spacecraft sun sensors

NASA-SP-8048 Liquid rocket engine turbopump bearings. 71/03/00 85 PAGES 71N28011 #
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Liquid Rocket Engine Turbopump Bearings , NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical Propulsion), NASA SP-8048 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), March 1971, pp. 85, (71N28011).
Keywords: machine elements, processes, bearings, liquid propellant, rocket engines, turbine pumps, service life, temperature effects
Abstract:: Bearing requirements for liquid rocket engine turbopumps

NASA-SP-8049 The Earth's ionosphere. 71/03/00 49 PAGES 71N30849 #
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The Earth's Ionosphere, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8049 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Exotech, Inc. (Washington, DC, United States), March 1971, pp. 49, (71N30849).
Keywords: geophysics, ionospheric electron density, ionospheric ion density, plasma temperature, spacecraft design, structural design, ionospheric temperature, neutral particles
Abstract:: Space vehicle design with considerations for ionospheric electron and ionic density, plasma temperature of ionosphere, and neutral component

NASA-SP-8050 Structural vibration prediction. 70/06/00 41 PAGES 71N19281 #
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The Earth's Ionosphere, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8049 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Exotech, Inc. (Washington, DC, United States), March 1971, pp. 49, (71N30849).
Keywords: geophysics, ionospheric electron density, ionospheric ion density, plasma temperature, spacecraft design, structural design, ionospheric temperature, neutral particles
Abstract:: Space vehicle design with considerations for ionospheric electron and ionic density, plasma temperature of ionosphere, and neutral component

NASA-SP-8051 Solid rocket motor igniters. 71/03/00 111 PAGES 71N30346 #
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Solid Rocket Motor Igniters, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical Propulsion), NASA SP-8051 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), June 1970, pp. 111, (71N30346).
Keywords: propellants, igniters, solid propellant rocket engines, systems engineering, exothermic reactions, heat transfer, mathematical models, pyrogen
Abstract:: Design approach for solid propellant rocket igniters

NASA-SP-8052 Liquid rocket engine turbopump inducers. 71/05/00 107 PAGES 71N34950 #
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Liquid Rocket Engine Turbopump Inducers, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical Propulsion), NASA SP-8052 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), May 1971, pp. 107, (71N34950).
Keywords: propulsion systems, aerospace engineering, intake systems, liquid propellant, rocket engines, turbine pumps, cavitation flow, hydrodynamics, mathematical models, optimization, turbine blades
Abstract:: Design criteria for liquid rocket engine turbopump inducers

NASA-SP-8053 Nuclear and space radiation effects on materials. 70/06/00 48 PAGES 71N25034 #
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H. Shulman* and W.S Ginell**, Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects on Materials, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8053 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), *Teledyne Isotopes, ** McDonnell Douglas Corporation, June 1970, pp. 48, (71N25034).
Keywords: space radiation, extraterrestrial radiation, nuclear radiation, radiation damage, spacecraft construction materials, mechanical properties, nuclear reactors, optical properties, radiation belts, thermodynamic properties
Abstract:: Effects of nuclear and space radiation on mechanical, thermal, and optical properties of spacecraft structural materials

NASA-SP-8054 Space radiation protection. 70/06/00 50 PAGES 71N25075 #
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R.W. Langley*, Space Radiation Protection, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8054 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), *McDonnell Douglas Corporation, June 1970, pp. 50, (71N25075).
Keywords: space vehicles, extraterrestrial radiation, radiation protection, spacecraft design, cosmic rays, magnetically trapped particles, radiation damage, radiation dosage, radiation effects
Abstract:: Criteria and procedures for determining dosage of penetrating space radiation and design of appropriate protection for space vehicles

NASA-SP-8055 Prevention of coupled structure-propulsion instability (pogo). 70/10/00 51 PAGES 71N26080 #
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S Rubin*, Prevention of Coupled Structure-Propulsion Instability (POGO), NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8055 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), *The Aerospace Corporation, October 1970, pp. 51, (71N26080).
Keywords: space vehicles, pogo effects, spacecraft design, spacecraft structures, dynamic response, mathematical models, propulsion system performance, structural vibration, vibration measurement
Abstract:: Space vehicle design criteria for prevention of coupled structure-propulsion instability

NASA-SP-8056 Flight separation mechanisms. 70/10/00 39 PAGES 71N28986 #
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D. H. Mitchell*, Flight separation mechanisms , NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8056 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), *TRW Systems Group/TRW Inc., October 1970, pp. 39, (71N28986).
Keywords: space vehicles, spacecraft launching, stage separation, systems engineering, performance tests, releasing, systems analysis
Abstract:: Criteria and recommended practices for designing and testing flight separation mechanisms

NASA-SP-8057-REV Structural design criteria applicable to a space shuttle. 72/03/00 99 PAGES 73N17881 #
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Structural Design Criteria Applicable to a Space Shuttle, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8057(REV) , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), January 1971 Revised March 1972, pp. 99, (73N17881).
Keywords: space vehicles, space shuttles, spacecraft structures, structural design, aerospace environments
Abstract:: The structural criteria are limited to general and mission-oriented criteria and are not configuration specific. Care was taken to ensure that the criteria will not restrict configuration development and will not establish the overall risk level. In some instances, margins of confidence are indicated, not only because experience shows them to be necessary but also because technology now permits quantitative values to be established.

NASA-SP-8058 Spacecraft aerodynamic torques. 71/01/00 37 PAGES 71N25935 #
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Spacecraft Aerodynamic Torques, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance And Control), NASA SP-8058 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), January 1971, pp. 37, (71N25935).
Keywords: space vehicles, aerodynamic forces, aerospace engineering, satellite attitude control, spacecraft orbits, torque, atmospheric density, free molecular flow, mathematical models, rarefied gas dynamics, surface reactions
Abstract:: Assessment of disturbance torques due to interaction of spacecraft with atmosphere in long duration orbits for use in design of spacecraft attitude control systems

NASA-SP-8059 Spacecraft attitude control during thrusting maneuvers. 71/02/00 51 PAGES 71N26198 #
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Spacecraft attitude control during thrusting maneuvers, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance And Control), NASA SP-8059 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), February 1971, pp. 51, (71N26198).
Keywords: navigation, satellite attitude control, spacecraft maneuvers, systems engineering, thrust vector control, computerized simulation, performance tests, spin stabilization, stationkeeping
Abstract:: Systems design criteria for spacecraft attitude control during thrusting maneuvers

NASA-SP-8060 Compartment venting. 70/11/00 31 PAGES 71N28166 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Compartment venting, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8060 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), November 1970, pp. 31, (71N28166).
Keywords: space vehicles, gases, pressure effects, spacecraft, vents, flow distribution, flow velocity, nondestructive tests
Abstract:: Analysis of internal and external gas venting system of spacecraft

NASA-SP-8061 Interacctions with umbilicals and launch stand. 70/08/00 23 PAGES 71N28829 #
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R. D. Anschicks*, Interactions with umbilicals and launch stand, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8061 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), *Martin Marietta, August 1970, pp. 23, (71N28829).
Keywords: space vehicles, ground support equipment, launching pads, spacecraft structures, systems compatibility, umbilical connectors, checkout, systems engineering, systems management
Abstract:: Criteria and recommendations to ensure compatible interfaces between space vehicle structure and launch stand ground support equipment

NASA-SP-8062 Entry gasdynamic heating. 71/01/00 60 PAGES 71N31179 #
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M. M. Sherman*, Entry gasdynamic heating, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8062 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA, United States), *Philco-Ford Corporation, January 1971, pp. 60, (71N31179).
Keywords: thermodynamics, combustion, atmospheric entry, heat transfer, planetary, atmospheres, space capsules, thermal protection, aerospace engineering, flow distribution, gas dynamics, probability theory
Abstract:: Determining heat transfer to space vehicles entering planetary atmospheres for proper design and thermal protection

NASA-SP-8063 Lubrication friction and wear. 71/06/00 180 PAGES 71N31471 #
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J.R. Jones (Hughes Aircraft Co.)*, Lubrication friction and wear, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8063 , *Hughes Aircraft Co. (Canoga Park, CA, United States), Jun 1971, pp. 180, (71N31471).
Keywords: machine elements, machine processes, aerospace engineering, friction, lubrication, spacecraft design, wear, bearings, corrosion prevention, surface properties, systems analysis
Abstract:: Lubrication, friction, and wear processes analyzed for space vehicle design criteria

NASA-SP-8064 Solid propellant selection and characterization. 71/06/00 116 PAGES 72N13737 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Solid propellant selection and characterization, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8064 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Jun 1971, pp 116, (72N13737).
Keywords: propellants, propellant chemistry, propellant properties, solid rocket propellants, combustion physics, interio ballistics, rocket engine design
Abstract:: The techniques of propellant selection and characterization and the compromises that may be forced on the designer by the change of a propellant parameter are discussed. Rules for the selection of a general propellant type are presented. The characterization of various propellant properties is then approached parameter by parameter. Tailoring pitfalls and compromises are identified whenever possible, and appropriate cross references are used. Related design criteria monographs frequently are cited for a more detailed treatment of the topic under discussion. A list of source references is provided. These

NASA-SP-8065 Tubular spacecraft booms (extendible, reel stored). 71/02/00 52 PAGES 71N33330 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Tubular spacecraft booms (extendible, reel stored), NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance), NASA SP-8065 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Jun 1971, pp. 52, (71N33330).
Keywords: space vehicle, spacecraft control, spacecraft design, spacecraft guidance, spacecraft performance, research and development, spacecraft reliability, systems engineering
Abstract:: Development of reliable and operational design programs for spacecraft guidance and control

NASA-SP-8066 Deployable aerodynamic deceleration systems. 71/06/00 88 PAGES 71N31303 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Deployable aerodynamic deceleration systems, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8066 , NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA, United States), Jun 1971, pp. 88, (71N31303).
Keywords: aircraft, aerodynamic brakes, criteria, deceleration, aerodynamic configurations, manufacturing, parachutes, spacecraft, standards, towed bodies
Abstract:: Criteria and recommended practices for design, selection, analysis, and testing of deployable aerodynamic deceleration systems

NASA-SP-8067 Earth albedo and emitted radiation. 71/07/00 48 PAGES 71N33104 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Earth albedo and emitted radiation, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8067 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Jul 1971, pp. 48, (71N33104).
Keywords: geophysics, earth albedo, long term effects, radiation, spacecraft instruments, surface properties, diurnal variations, spacecraft design
Abstract:: Global annual averages for earth albedo and radiation used to estimate long term effects on space vehicle equipment and surfaces

NASA-SP-8068 Buckling strength of structural plates. 71/06/00 50 PAGES 71N33331 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Buckling strength of structural plates, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8068 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Jun 1971, pp. 50, (71N33331).
Keywords: structural mechanics, buckling, spacecraft design, spacecraft reliability, structural members, spacecraft performance, spacecraft structures
Abstract:: Designs for determining buckling strength of structural plates for spacecraft

NASA-SP-8069 The planet Jupiter (1970). 71/12/00 93 PAGES 72N17909 #
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N. Divine, The planet Jupiter (1970), NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8069 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Dec 1971, pp. 93, (72N17909).
Keywords: space sciences, infrared radiation, Jupiter (planet), light (visible radiation), radio astronomy, airborne equipment, ground stations, spacecraft design, spacecraft performance, systems analysis
Abstract:: Data obtained through 1970, some materials published during the first half of 1971, and conclusions of the Jupiter Radiation Belt Workshop held in July 1971 are presented. All the information on Jupiter was derived from data obtained at angular and spectral resolutions possible with Earth-based instrumentation or with sensors on aircraft, rockets, and balloons. The observations were made primarily in the visible, near visible, infrared, and radio portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The information was assessed for the potential effects of the Jovian environment on spacecraft performance. The assessment was done

NASA-SP-8070 Spaceborne digital computer systems. 71/03/00 82 PAGES 71N33679 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Spaceborne digital computer systems, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance), NASA SP-8070 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Mar 1971, pp. 82, (72N33679).
Keywords: computers, airborne/spaceborne computers, command guidance, component reliability, computer design, decision making, performance tests, simulation, tradeoffs
Abstract:: Design criteria for guidance and control spaceborne computer selection including physical and functional characteristics and reliability

NASA-SP-8071 Passive gravity-gradient libration dampers. 71/02/00 60 PAGES 71N34590 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Passive gravity-gradient libration dampers, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance), NASA SP-8071 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Feb 1971, pp. 60.
Keywords: navigation, aerospace engineering, gravity gradient satellites, oscillation dampers, failure analysis, performance prediction, radiation shielding, spacecraft design, systems analysis
Abstract:: Design criteria for passive gravity-gradient libration dampers

NASA-SP-8072 Acoustic loads generated by the propulsion system. 71/06/00 54 PAGES 71N33195 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Acoustic loads generated by the propulsion system, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8072 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Jun 1971, pp. 54.
Keywords: space vehicles, spacecraft design, spacecraft design, spacecraft performance, spacecraft reliability, research and development
Abstract:: Design of flightworthy space vehicle

NASA-SP-8073 Solid propellant grain structural integrity analysis. 73/06/01 114 PAGES 74N33195 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Solid propellant grain structural integrity analysis, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8073 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Jun 1973, pp. 114.
Keywords: propellants, propellant grains, solid rocket propellants, structural analysis, failure analysis, mechanical properties, thermodynamic properties
Abstract:: The structural properties of solid propellant rocket grains were studied to determine the propellant resistance to stresses. Grain geometry, thermal properties, mechanical properties, and failure modes are discussed along with design criteria and recommended practices.

NASA-SP-8074 Spacecraft solar cell arrays. 71/05/00 54 PAGES 71N37630 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Spacecraft solar cell arrays, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8074 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), May 1971, pp. 54.
Keywords: auxiliary systems, solar cells, spacecraft power supplies, systems engineering
Abstract:: Design criteria for spacecraft solar cell arrays

NASA-SP-8075 Solid propellant processing factor in rocket motor design. 71/10/00 82 PAGES 72N31767 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Solid propellant processing factor in rocket motor design, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8075 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Oct 1971, pp. 82.
Keywords: propellants, engine design, solid propellant rocket engines, solid rocket propellants, costs, performance prediction, propellant casting, propellant chemistry, tradeoffs
Abstract:: The ways are described by which propellant processing is affected by choices made in designing rocket engines. Tradeoff studies, design proof or scaleup studies, and special design features are presented that are required to obtain high product quality, and optimum processing costs. Processing is considered to include the operational steps involved with the lining and preparation of the motor case for the grain; the procurement of propellant raw materials; and propellant mixing, casting or extrusion, curing, machining, and finishing. The design criteria, recommended practices, and propellant formulations are included.

NASA-SP-8076 Solid propellant grain design and internal ballistics. 72/03/00 110 PAGES 73N15804 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Solid propellant grain design and internal ballistics, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8076 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Mar 1972, pp. 110, (73N15804).
Keywords: propellants, interior ballistics, propellant grains, solid rocket propellants, engine design, optimization, rocket engines, systems engineering
Abstract:: The ballistic aspects of grain design were studied to outline the steps necessary to achieve a successful grain design. The relationships of the grain design to steady-state mass balance and erosive burning are considered. Grain design criteria is reviewed, and recommended design criteria are included.

NASA-SP-8077 Transportation and handling loads. 71/09/00 48 PAGES 72N12891 #
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Ostrem, F.E. (NASA Langley Research Center), Transportation and handling loads, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8077 , NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA, United States), Sep 1971, pp. 48.
Keywords: space vehicles, loads (forces), spacecraft structures, transportation, force distribution, spacecraft components
Abstract:: Criteria and recommended practices are presented for the prediction and verification of transportation and handling loads for the space vehicle structure and for monitoring these loads during transportation and handling of the vehicle or major vehicle segments. Elements of the transportation and handling systems, and the forcing functions and associated loads are described. The forcing functions for common carriers and typical handling devices are assessed, and emphasis is given to the assessment of loads at the points where the space vehicle is supported during transportation and handling. Factors which must be considered when predicting the loads include the transportation and handling medium; type of handling fixture; transport vehicle speed; types of terrain; weather (changes in pressure of temperature, wind, etc.); and dynamics of the transportation modes or handling devices (acceleration, deceleration, and rotations of the transporter or handling device).

NASA-SP-8078 Spaceborne electronic imaging systems. 71/06/00 71 PAGES 72N14169 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Spaceborne electronic imaging systems, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance), NASA SP-8078 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Jun 1971, pp. 71.
Keywords: communications, electronic equipment, imaging techniques, spaceborne photography, signal to noise ratios, systems engineering, television cameras
Abstract:: Criteria and recommended practices for the design of the spaceborne elements of electronic imaging systems are presented. A spaceborne electronic imaging system is defined as a device that collects energy in some portion of the electromagnetic spectrum with detector(s) whose direct output is an electrical signal that can be processed (using direct transmission or delayed transmission after recording) to form a pictorial image. This definition encompasses both image tube systems and scanning point-detector systems. The intent was to collect the design experience and recommended practice of the several systems possessing the common denominator of acquiring images from space electronically and to maintain the system viewpoint rather than pursuing specialization in devices. The devices may be markedly different physically, but each was designed to provide a particular type of image within particular limitations. Performance parameters which determine the type of system selected for a given mission and which influence the design include: Sensitivity, Resolution, Dynamic range, Spectral response, Frame rate/bandwidth, Optics compatibility, Image motion, Radiation resistance, Size, Weight, Power, and Reliability.

NASA-SP-8079 Structural interaction with control systems. 71/11/00 56 PAGES 72N17920 #
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Noll, R. B. (Aerospace Systems, Inc.) and Zvara, J. (Aerospace Systems, Inc.), Spaceborne electronic imaging systems, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8079 , NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA, United States), Nov 1971, pp. 56.
Keywords: space vehicles, prediction analysis techniques, spacecraft control, spacecraft design, structural stability, mathematical models, quality control
Abstract:: A monograph which assesses the state of the art of space vehicle design and development is presented. The monograph presents criteria and recommended practices for determining the structural data and a mathematical structural model of the vehicle needed for accurate prediction of structure and control-system interaction; for design to minimize undesirable interactions between the structure and the control system; and for determining techniques to achieve the maximum desirable interactions and associated structural design benefits. All space vehicles are treated, including launch vehicles, spacecraft, and entry

NASA-SP-8080 Liquid rocket pressure regulators, relief valves, check valves, burst disks, and explosive valves. 73/03/00 123 PAGES 74N10724 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Liquid rocket pressure regulators, relief valves, hurst disks, and explosive valves, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8080 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Mar 1973, pp. 123, (74N10724).
Keywords: propulsion systems, equipment specifications, pressure regulators, relief valves, actuators, explosive devices, flow regulators, intake systems, liquid propellant rocket engines, rocket engine design
Abstract:: The development of and operational programs for effective use in design are presented for liquid rocket pressure regulators, relief valves, check valves, burst disks, and explosive valves. A review of the total design problem is presented, and design elements are identified which are involved in successful design. Current technology pertaining to these elements is also described. Design criteria are presented which state what rule or standard must be imposed on each essential design element to assure successful design. These criteria serve as a checklist of rules for a project manager to use in guiding a design or in assessing its adequacy. Recommended practices are included which state how to satisfy each of the criteria.

NASA-SP-8081 Liquid propellant gas generators. 72/03/00 110 PAGES 73N27705 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Liquid propellant gas generators, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8081 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Mar 1972, pp. 110, (73N27705).
Keywords: propulsion systems, engine design, exhaust gases, gas generators, gas turbines, systems engineering, cooling systems, performance tests, prediction analysis techniques, stress analysis, thermal stresses
Abstract:: The design of gas generators intended to provide hot gases for turbine drive is discussed. Emphasis is placed on the design and operation of bipropellant gas generators because of their wider use. Problems and limitations involved in turbine operation due to temperature effects are analyzed. Methods of temperature control of gas turbines and combustion products are examined. Drawings of critical sections of gas turbines to show their operation and areas of stress are included.

NASA-SP-8082 Stress-corrosion cracking in metals. 71/08/00 42 PAGES 72N17928 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Stress-corrosion cracking in metals, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8082 , NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA, United States), Aug 1971, pp. 42.
Keywords: structural mechanics, cracking (fracturing), metal fatigue, spacecraft structures, stress corrosion, chemical composition, service life, tensile stess
Abstract:: Criteria and recommended practices for preventing stress-corrosion cracking from impairing the structural integrity and flightworthiness of space vehicles are presented. The important variables affecting stress-corrosion cracking are considered to be the environment, including time and temperature; metal composition, and structure; and sustained tensile stress. For designing spacecraft structures that are free of stress-corrosion cracking for the service life of the vehicle the following rules apply: (1) identification and control of the environments to which the structure will be exposed during construction, storage, transportation, and use; (2) selection of alloy compositions and tempers which are resistant to stress-corrosion cracking in the identified environment; (3) control of fabrication and other processes which may introduce residual tensile stresses or damage the material; (4) limitation of the combined residual and applied tensile stresses to below the threshold stress level for the onset of cracking throughout the service life of the vehicle; and (5) establishment of a thorough inspection program.

NASA-SP-8083 Discontinuity stresses in metallic pressure vessels. 71/11/00 69 PAGES 72N26933 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Discontinuity stresses in metallic pressure vessels, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8083 , NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA, United States), Aug 1971, pp. 69.
Keywords: structural mechanics, discontinuity, pressure vessels, spacecraft structures, stresses, mechanical properties, propellant tanks, temperature effects
Abstract:: The state of the art, criteria, and recommended practices for the theoretical and experimental analyses of discontinuity stresses and their distribution in metallic pressure vessels for space vehicles are outlined. The applicable types of pressure vessels include propellant tanks ranging from main load-carrying integral tank structure to small auxiliary tanks, storage tanks, solid propellant motor cases, high pressure gas bottles, and pressurized cabins. The major sources of discontinuity stresses are discussed, including deviations in geometry, material properties, loads, and temperature. The advantages, limitations, and disadvantages of various theoretical and experimental discontinuity analysis methods are summarized. Guides are presented for evaluating discontinuity stresses so that pressure vessel performance will not fall below acceptable levels.

NASA-SP-8084 Surface atmospheric extremes (launch and transportation areas). 74/06/00 77 PAGES 74N30047 #
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Surface atmospheric extremes (launch and transportation areas), NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8084(REV) , NASA Marshall Space flight Center (Huntsville, AL, United States), Jan 1974, pp. 77, (75N30047).
Keywords: meteorology, atmospherics, launching sites, meteorology, atmospheric electricity, atmospheric moisture, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric temperature, solar radiation
Abstract:: Criteria are provided on atmospheric extremes from the surface to 150 meters for geographical locations of interest to NASA. Thermal parameters (temperature and solar radiation), humidity, precipitation, pressure, and atmospheric electricity (lightning and static) are presented. Available data are also provided for the entire continental United States for use in future space programs.

NASA-SP-8085 The planet Mercury (1971). 72/03/00 63 PAGES 72N20799 #
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Author(s) Not Available, the planer Mercury (1971), NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8085 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Mar 1972, pp. 63, (72N20799).
Keywords: space sciences, Mercury (planet), planetary atmospheres, planetary environments, planetary surfaces, planetary gravitation, planetary magnetic fields, planetary radiation, planetary rotation, planetary temperature, solar orbits, spacecraft design
Abstract:: The physical properties of the planet Mercury, its surface, and atmosphere are presented for space vehicle design criteria. The mass, dimensions, mean density, and orbital and rotational motions are described. The gravity field, magnetic field, electromagnetic radiation, and charged particles in the planet's orbit are discussed. Atmospheric pressure, temperature, and composition data are given along with the surface composition, soil mechanical properties, and topography, and the surface electromagnetic and temperature properties.

NASA-SP-8086 Space vehicle displays design criteria. 72/03/00 45 PAGES 72N26337 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Space vehicle displays design criteria, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8086 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Mar 1972, pp. 45, (73N26337).
Keywords: instrumentation and photography, display devices, spacecraft control, spacecraft guidance, systems engineering, human factors engineering, manned spacecraft
Abstract:: The guidance, navigation, and control displays associated with manned spaceflight are summarized. Major emphasis were placed on methodologies useful for determining necessary information and its uses, systems analysis techniques, and analytic methods for design and evaluation of such systems.

NASA-SP-8087 Liquid rocket engine fluid-cooled combustion chambers. 72/04/00 120 PAGES 73N31697 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Liquid rocket engine fluid-cooled combustion chambers, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8087 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Apr 1972, pp. 120, (73N31697).
Keywords: propulsion systems, combustion chambers, liquid propellant rocket engines, rocket engine design, cooling systems, equipment specifications, regenerative cooling, systems analysis
Abstract:: A monograph on the design and development of fluid cooled combustion chambers for liquid propellant rocket engines is presented. The subjects discussed are (1) regenerative cooling, (2) transpiration cooling, (3) film cooling, (4) structural analysis, (5) chamber reinforcement, and (6) operational problems.

NASA-SP-8088 Liquid rocket metal tanks and tank components. 74/05/00 165 PAGES 75N13022 #
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Wagner, W. A. (NASA Lewis Research Center) and Keller, R. B. (NASA Lewis Research Center), Liquid rocket metal tanks and tank components, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8088 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), May 1974, pp. 165, (75N13022).
Keywords: spacecraft propulsion and power, propellant tanks, space storage, construction materials, payloads, spacecraft design, systems engineering, tank geometry
Abstract:: Significant guidelines are presented for the successful design of aerospace tanks and tank components, such as expulsion devices, standpipes, and baffles. The state of the art is reviewed, and the design criteria are presented along with recommended practices. Design monographs are listed.

NASA-SP-8089 Liquid rocket engine injectors. 76/03/00 130 PAGES 76N30284 #
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Gill, G. S. (Rockwell Intern. Corp.) and Nurick, W. H. (Rockwell Intern. Corp.), Liquid rocket engine injectors, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8089 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Mar 1976, pp. 130, (76N30284).
Keywords: spacecraft propulsion and power, injectors, liquid propellant rocket engines, combustion efficiency, design analysis, fuel systems, liquid rocket propellants
Abstract:: The injector in a liquid rocket engine atomizes and mixes the fuel with the oxidizer to produce efficient and stable combustion that will provide the required thrust without endangering hardware durability. Injectors usually take the form of a perforated disk at the head of the rocket engine combustion chamber, and have varied from a few inches to more than a yard in diameter. This monograph treats specifically bipropellant injectors, emphasis being placed on the liquid/liquid and liquid/gas injectors that have been developed for and used in flight-proven engines. The information provided has limited application to monopropellant injectors and gas/gas propellant systems. Critical problems that may arise during injector development and the approaches that lead to successful design are discussed.

NASA-SP-8090 Liquid rocket actuators and operators. 73/05/00 158 PAGES 74N17785 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Liquid rocket actuators and operators, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8090 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), May 1973, pp. 158, (74N17785).
Keywords: auxiliary systems, actuators, boundary layer thickness, liquid propellant rocket engines, spacecraft control, automatic control, chemical compatibility, rocket engine control, spacecraft design
Abstract:: All the types of actuators and associated operators used in booster, upper stage, and spacecraft propulsion and reaction-control systems except for chemical-explosive actuators and turbine actuators are discussed. Discussion of static and dynamic seals, mechanical transmission of motion, and instrumentation is included to the extent that actuator or operator design is affected. Selection of the optimum actuator configuration is discussed for specific application which require a tradeoff study that considers all the relevant factors: available energy sources, load capacity, stroke, speed of response, leakage limitations, environmental conditions, chemical compatibility, storage life and conditions, size, weight, and cost. These factors are interrelated with overall control-system design evaluations that are beyond the scope of this monograph; however, literature references are cited for a detailed review of the general considerations. Pertinent advanced-state-of-the-art design concepts are surveyed briefly.

NASA-SP-8091 The planet Saturn (1970). 72/06/00 103 PAGES 72N29840 #
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Author(s) Not Available, The planet Saturn (1970), NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8091 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Jun 1972, pp. 103, (72N29840).
Keywords: space sciences, electromagnetic radiation, planetary atmospheres, planetary environments, Saturn (planet), spacecraft design, charged particles, natural satellites, planetary gravitation, Saturn rings, solar wind
Abstract:: The present-day knowledge on Saturn and its environment are described for designers of spacecraft which are to encounter and investigate the planet. The discussion includes physical properties of the planet, gravitational field, magnetic and electric fields, electromagnetic radiation, satellites and meteoroids, the ring system, charged particles, atmospheric composition and structure, and clouds and atmospheric motions. The environmental factors which have pertinence to spacecraft design criteria are also discussed.

NASA-SP-8092 Assessment and control of spacecraft electromagnetic interference. 72/06/00 37 PAGES 72N26119 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Assessment and control of spacecraft electromagnetic interference, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8092 , NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD, United States), Jun 1972, pp. 37, (72N29840).
Keywords: communications, electromagnetic interference, spacecraft design, systems analysis, electromagnetic noise measurement, error signals, signal to noise ratios, spacecraft electronic equipment
Abstract:: Design criteria are presented to provide guidance in assessing electromagnetic interference from onboard sources and establishing requisite control in spacecraft design, development, and testing. A comprehensive state-of-the-art review is given which covers flight experience, sources and transmission of electromagnetic interference, susceptible equipment, design procedure, control techniques, and test method.

NASA-SP-8093 Solid rocket motor internal insulation. 76/12/00 124 PAGES 77N30171 #
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Twichell, S. E. (Hercules, Inc., Wilmington) and Keller, R. B., Jr. (NASA Lewis Research Center), Solid rocket motor internal insulation, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8093 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Dec 1976, pp. 124, (77N30171).
Keywords: spacecraft propulsion and power, case bonded propellants, solid propellant rocket engines, thermal insulation, heat shielding, solid rocket propellants, structural design, technology assessment
Abstract:: Internal insulation in a solid rocket motor is defined as a layer of heat barrier material placed between the internal surface of the case propellant. The primary purpose is to prevent the case from reaching temperatures that endanger its structural integrity. Secondary functions of the insulation are listed and guidelines for avoiding critical problems in the development of internal insulation for rocket motors are presented.

NASA-SP-8094 Liquid rocket valve components. 73/08/00 150 PAGES 74N27276 #
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(Author(s) Not Available), Liquid rocket valve components, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8094 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Aug 1973, pp. 150, (74N27276).
Keywords: propulsion systems, butterfly valves, control valves, fuel valves, liquid propellant rocket engines, equipment specifications, hydraulic equipment, structural design criteria
Abstract:: A monograph on valves for use with liquid rocket propellant engines is presented. The configurations of the various types of valves are described and illustrated. Design criteria and recommended practices for the various valves are explained. Tables of data are included to show the chief features of valve components in use on operational vehicles.

NASA-SP-8095 Preliminary criteria for the fracture control of space shuttle structures. 71/06/00 16 PAGES 72N25851 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Preliminary criteria for the fracture control of space shuttle structures, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8095 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Jun 1971, pp. 16, (72N25851).
Keywords: space vehicles, fracture strength, space shuttles, spacecraft structures, crack initiation, crack propagation, failure modes, fatigue (materials), stress corrosion
Abstract:: The complex and multidisciplinary factors are presented which relate to the prevention of structural failure due to the initiation or propagation of cracks or crack-like defects. The fracture control criteria are applicable to space shuttle components which are: (1) susceptible to cracking or fracture on the basis of anticipated loads and environment, and (2) critical to either crew safety or system performance. The criteria define the design, fabrication, environmental control, inspection, maintenance, repair, and verification procedures required for adequate fracture control.

NASA-SP-8096 Space vehicle gyroscope sensor applications. 72/10/00 87 PAGES 73N12680 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Space vechicle qyroscope sensor applications, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance), NASA SP-8096 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Jun 1972, pp. 87, (73N12680).
Keywords: navigation, aerospace vehicles, gyroscopes, spacecraft guidance, stabilized platforms, equipment specifications, performance tests, systems analysis
Abstract:: Considerations which form the basis for the specification, design and evaluation of gyroscopes for spaceborne sensor applications are presented. The applications are distinguished by basic vehicle category: launch vehicles, spacecraft, entry vehicles and sounding rockets. Specifically excluded from discussion are gyroscope effector applications. Exotic or unconventional gyroscopes for which operational experience is nonexistent are mentioned only briefly to alert the reader of future trends. General requirements for testing and evaluation are discussed.

NASA-SP-8097 Liquid rocket valve assemblies. 73/11/00 154 PAGES 74N26979 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Liguid rocket valve assemblies, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8097 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Nov 1973, pp. 154, (72N29840).
Keywords: machine elements and processes, butterfly valves, control valves, fuel valves, liquid propellant rocket engines, equipment specifications, hydraulic equipment, structural design criteria
Abstract:: The design and operating characteristics of valve assemblies used in liquid propellant rocket engines are discussed. The subjects considered are as follows: (1) valve selection parameters, (2) major design aspects, (3) design integration of valve subassemblies, and (4) assembly of components and functional tests. Information is provided on engine, stage, and spacecraft checkout procedures.

NASA-SP-8098 Effects of structural flexibility on entry vehicle control systems. 72/06/00 68 PAGES 72N29870 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Effects of structural flexibility on entry vehicle control systems, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance), NASA SP-8098 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Jun 1972, pp. 68, (72N29870).
Keywords: space vehicles, atmospheric entry, flexibility, reentry vehicles, spacecraft control, control equipment, systems engineering
Abstract:: Control system/structure interactions of space vehicles during planetary and earth entry were investigated with principal emphasis on atmospheric entry and aerodynamic deceleration to subsonic speeds.

NASA-SP-8099 Combining ascent loads. 72/05/00 36 PAGES 73N11897 #
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Houbolt, J. C. (NASA), Combining ascent loads, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8099 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Jun 1972, pp. 36, (73N11897).
Keywords: space vehicles, ascent trajectories, loads (forces), spacecraft design, stage separation, structural analysis, structural design
Abstract:: Criteria and guidelines are presented for combining loads that develop during the ascent phase of a space flight. The primary load-caring structure is discussed including the basic tank and interconnecting members, engine support mounts and connections to tank structure, transition structures between stages, payload shrouds, and the basic support points at separation planes.

NASA-SP-8100 Liquid rocket engine turbopump gears. 74/03/00 117 PAGES 75N10166 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Liquid rocket engine turbopump gears, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8100 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Mar 1974, pp. 117, (75N10166).
Keywords: spacecraft propulsion and power, spacecraft design, systems engineering
Abstract:: Design and fabrication of gear drives for rocket engine turbopumps are described in the sequence encountered during the design process as follows: (1) selection of overall arrangement; (2) selection of gear type; (3) preliminary sizing; (4) lubrication system design; (5) detail tooth design; (6) selection of gear materials; and (7) gear fabrication and testing as it affects the design. The description is oriented towards the use of innovate spur gears, although reference material for helical gears is also cited.

NASA-SP-8101 Liquid rocket engine turbopump shafts and couplings. 72/09/00 130 PAGES 74N14441 #
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(Author(s) Not Available), Liquid rocket engine turbopump shafts and couplings, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8101 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Sep 1972, pp. 130, (74N14441).
Keywords: propulsion systems, engine design, liquid propellant rocket engines, shafts (machine elements), turbine pumps, bearings, fatigue life, mechanical properties, reliability engineering, structural analysis, temperature gradients
Abstract:: Design criteria and recommended practices are presented for designing tubopump shafts and couplings. Design parameters, material selection, and structural analysis are discussed.

NASA-SP-8102 Space vehicle accelerometer applications. 72/12/00 87 PAGES 73N26891 #
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(Author(s) Not Available), Space vehicle accelerometer applications, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Guidance), NASA SP-8102 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Dec 1972, pp. 87, (73N26891).
Keywords: space vehicles, accelerometers, spacecraft components, systems engineering, criteria, design, performance tests
Abstract:: The physics of accelerometer applications are reviewed, and details are given on accelerometer instruments and the principles of their operations. The functions to which accelerometers are applied are listed, and terms commonly used in accelerometer reports are defined. Criteria guides state what rule, limitation, or standard must be imposed on each essential design element to insure successful design. Elaboration of these criteria in the form of recommended practices show how to satisfy each of these criteria, with the best procedure described when possible.

NASA-SP-8103 The planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (1971). 72/11/00 99 PAGES 73N11870 #
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Palluconi, F. D. (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), The planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (1971), NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8103 , NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD, United States), Nov 1972, pp. 99, (73N11870).
Keywords: space sciences, planetary environments, space exploration, spacecraft design, Neptune (planet), Pluto (planet), Uranus (planet)
Abstract:: Design criteria relating to spacecraft intended to investigate the planets of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are presented. Assessments were made of the potential effects of environmental properties on vehicle performance. Pertinent data on the mass, radius, shape, mean density, rotational pole location, and mean orbital elements for the three planets are given in graphs and tables.

NASA-SP-8104 Structural interaction with transportation and handling systems. 73/01/00 41 PAGES 73N21839 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Structural interaction with transportation and handling systems, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8104 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Jan 1973, pp. 41, (73N2183).
Keywords: space vehicles, spacecraft design, structural failure, transportation, corrosion, ground support equipment, propellant tanks
Abstract:: Problems involved in the handling and transportation of finished space vehicles from the factory to the launch site are presented, in addition to recommendations for properly accounting for in space vehicle structural design, adverse interactions during transportation. Emphasis is given to the protection of vehicle structures against those environments and loads encountered during transportation (including temporary storage) which would exceed the levels that the vehicle can safely withstand. Current practices for verifying vehicle safety are appraised, and some of the capabilities and limitations of transportation and handling systems are summarized.

NASA-SP-8105 Spacecraft thermal control. 73/05/00 48 PAGES 73N26890 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Spacecraft thermal control, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8105 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), May 1973, pp. 48, (73N26890).
Keywords: space vehicles, spacecraft design, temperature control, aerospace environments, thermal environments, unmanned spacecraft
Abstract:: Guidance for the assessment and control of spacecraft temperatures is provided with emphasis on unmanned spacecraft in the space environment. The heat balance, elements of thermal design, and thermal control are discussed along with thermal testing, design criteria, and recommended practices.


NASA-SP-8107 Turbopump systems for liquid rocket engines. 74/08/00 168 PAGES 75N20470 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Turbopump systems for liquid rocket engines, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8107 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Aug 1974, pp. 168, (75N20470).
Keywords: spacecraft propulsion and power, liquid propellant rocket engines, turbine pumps, performance prediction, reliability engineering, systems engineering
Abstract:: The turbopump system, from preliminary design through rocket engine testing is examined. Selection of proper system type for each application and integration of the components into a working system are dealt with. Details are also given on the design of various components including inducers, pumps, turbines, gears, and bearings.

NASA-SP-8108 Advanced composite structures. 74/12/00 107 PAGES 76N12115 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Advanced composite structures, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Structures), NASA SP-8108 , NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA, United States), Aug 1974, pp. 107, (76N12115).
Keywords: spacecraft design, testing and performance, metal matrix composites, spacecraft construction materials, structural design criteria, corrosion, fibers, fracture mechanics, joints (junctions), life (durability), loads (forces), mechanical properties, panels, shells (structural forms), stress concentration
Abstract:: A monograph is presented which establishes structural design criteria and recommends practices to ensure the design of sound composite structures, including composite-reinforced metal structures. (It does not discuss design criteria for fiber-glass composites and such advanced composite materials as beryllium wire or sapphire whiskers in a matrix material.) Although the criteria were developed for aircraft applications, they are general enough to be applicable to space vehicles and missiles as well. The monograph covers four broad areas: (1) materials, (2) design, (3) fracture control, and (4) design verification. The materials portion deals with such subjects as material system design, material design levels, and material characterization. The design portion includes panel, shell, and joint design, applied loads, internal loads, design factors, reliability, and maintainability. Fracture control includes such items as stress concentrations, service-life philosophy, and the management plan for control of fracture-related aspects of structural design using composite materials. Design verification discusses ways to prove flightworthiness.

NASA-SP-8109 Liquid rocket engine certrifugal flow turbopumps. 73/12/00 74N28961 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Liquid rocket engine centrifugal flow turbopumps, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8109 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Dec 1973, pp. 116, (73N28961).
Keywords: machine elements and processes, centrifugal pumps, liquid propellant rocket engines, rocket engine design criteria, turbine pumps, housings, hydrodynamics, performance tests, pump impellers, thrust control
Abstract:: Design criteria and recommended practices are discussed for the following configurations selected from the design sequence of a liquid rocket engine centrifugal flow turbopump: (1) pump performance including speed, efficiency, and flow range; (2) impeller; (3) housing; and (4) thrust balance system. Hydrodynamic, structural, and mechanical problems are addressed for the achievement of required pump performance within the constraints imposed by the engine/turbopump system. Materials and fabrication specifications are also discussed.

NASA-SP-8110 Liquid rocket engine turbines. 74/01/00 158 PAGES 74N34245 #
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Author(s) Not Available, Liquid rocket engine turbines, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8110 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Jan 1974, pp. 158, (74N34245).
Keywords: propulsion systems, liquid propellant rocket engines, rocket engine design, turborocket engines, engine parts, performance prediction, space shuttles, technology assessment
Abstract:: Criteria for the design and development of turbines for rocket engines to meet specific performance, and installation requirements are summarized. The total design problem, and design elements are identified, and the current technology pertaining to these elements is described. Recommended practices for achieving a successful design are included.

NASA-SP-8111 Assessment and control of electrostatic charges. 74/05/00 53 PAGES 74N27534 #
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Barrett, M. (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Assessment and control of electrostatic charges, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8111 , NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD, United States), May 1974, pp. 53, (74N27534).
Keywords: auxiliary systems, electrostatic charge, hazards, space flight, exhaust gases, failure analysis, lightning, solar wind, thunderstorms
Abstract:: The experience is described of NASA and DOD with electrostatic problems, generation mechanisms, and type of electrostatic hazards. Guidelines for judging possible effects of electrostatic charges on space missions are presented along with mathematical formulas and definitions.

NASA-SP-8112 Pressurization systems for liquid rockets. 75/10/00 167 PAGES 76N22300 #
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(Author(s) Not Available), Pressurization systems for liquid rockets, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8112 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Oct 1975, pp. 167, (76N22300).
Keywords: space propulsion and power, fuel tank pressurization, liquid propellant engines, attitude control, booster rocket engines, chemical propulsion, handbooks, rocket engine design, spacecraft propulsion, systems engineering
Abstract:: Guidelines for the successful design of pressurization systems for main propulsion, auxiliary propulsion, and attitude control systems for boosters, upper stages, and spacecraft were presented, drawing on the wealth of design experience that has accumulated in the development of pressurization systems for liquid rockets operational in the last 15 years. The design begins with a preliminary phase in which the system requirements are received and evaluated. Next comes a detail-design and integration phase in which the controls and the hardware components that make up the system are determined. The final phase, design evaluation, provides analysis of problems that may arise at any point in the design when components are combined and considered for operation as a system. Throughout the monograph, the design tasks are considered in the order and manner in which the designer must handle them.

NASA-SP-8113 Liquid rocket engine combustion stabilization devices. 74/11/00 127 PAGES 75N28247 #
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(Author(s) Not Available), Liquid rocket engine combustion stabilization devices, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8113 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Nov 1974, pp. 127, (75N28247).
Keywords: propellants and fuels, combustion stability, liquid propellant rocket engines, propellant combustion, absorbers (equipment), baffles, combustion chambers, design analysis, temperature control, thrust vector control
Abstract:: Combustion instability, which results from a coupling of the combustion process and the fluid dynamics of the engine system, was investigated. The design of devices which reduce coupling (combustion chamber baffles) and devices which increase damping (acoustic absorbers) are described. Included in the discussion are design criteria and recommended practices, structural and mechanical design, thermal control, baffle geometry, baffle/engine interactions, acoustic damping analysis, and absorber configurations.

NASA-SP-8114 Solid rocket thrust vector control. 74/12/00 200 PAGES 76N17194 #
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(Author(s) Not Available), Solid rocket thrust vector control, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8114 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Dec 1974, pp. 200, (76N17194).
Keywords: spacecraft propulsion and power, solid propellant rocket engines, thrust vector control, design analysis, joints (junctions), liquid injection
Abstract:: Thrust vector control systems that superimpose a side force on the motor thrust, steering being achieved by the side force causing a moment about the vehicle center of gravity are described. A brief review of thrust vector control systems is presented, and two systems, flexible joint and liquid injection, are treated in detail. Treatment of the flexible-joint thrust vector control system is limited to the design of the flexible joint and its insulation against hot motor gases. Treatment of the liquid injection thrust vector control system is limited to discussion of the injectant, valves, piping, storage tanks, and pressurization system; no evaluation is presented of the nozzle except for (1) the effect of the injectant and erosion at the injection port and (2) the effect of injection on pressure distribution within the nozzle.

NASA-SP-8115 Solid rocket motor nozzles. 75/06/00 140 PAGES 76N20214 #
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R.A. Ellis (Thiokol Chemical Corp.) and R.B. Keller, Jr. (NASA Lewis Research Center), Solid rocket motor nozzles, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8115 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Jun 1975, pp. 140, (76N20214).
Keywords: spacecraft propulsion and power, nozzle design, rocket nozzles, solid propellant rocket engines, aerodynamics, heat shielding, high temperature propellants, performance prediction, structural design, thermal insulation
Abstract:: The steps in the nozzle design process are examined. The nozzle designer's role in defining design requirements and constraints is included along with discussions of each of the three basic phases of the nozzle design process itself: (1) aerodynamic design, in which the gas-contacting surfaces are configured to produce the required performance within the envelope limits; (2) thermal design, in which thermal liners and thermal insulators are selected and configured to maintain the surfaces as closely as practical against effects of erosion and to limit the structure temperature to acceptable levels; and (3) structural design, in which materials are selected and configured to support the thermal components and to sustain the predicted loads. Analytical techniques that are used to establish thermal and structural design integrity and to predict nozzle performance are discussed along with methods for nozzle quality assurance. Emphasis is placed on nozzle design and materials for modern high-temperature aluminized propellants. Recurring nozzle design problems of graphite cracking and ejection, differential erosion at material interfaces, lack of sufficient proven nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques, the uncertainty of adhesive bonding, and inadequate definition of material properties, particularly at high temperatures are considered.

NASA-SP-8116 The earth's trapped radiation belts. 75/03/00 100 PAGES 75N22980 #
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Noll, R. B. (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) and Mcelroy, M. B. (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), The earth's trapped radiation belts, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8116 , NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD, United States), Mar 1975, pp. 100, (75N22980).
Keywords: geophysics, aerospace environments, radiation belts, satellite observation, spacecraft design
Abstract:: The near-earth charged particle environment is discussed in terms of spacecraft design criteria. Models are presented of the trapped radiation belts and based on in-situ data obtained from spacecraft.

NASA-SP-8117 Gravity fields of the solar system. 75/04/00 79 PAGES 75N24608 #
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Zendell, A. (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Brown, R. D. (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), and Vincent, S. (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Gravity fields of the solar system, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8117 , NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD, United States), Apr 1975, pp. 79, (75N24608).
Keywords: astrophysics, gravitational fields, planetary gravitation, astronomical models, ellipsoids, harmonic analysis, oblate spheroids, point sources, solar system
Abstract:: The most frequently used formulations of the gravitational field are discussed and a standard set of models for the gravity fields of the earth, moon, sun, and other massive bodies in the solar system are defined. The formulas are presented in standard forms, some with instructions for conversion. A point-source or inverse-square model, which represents the external potential of a spherically symmetrical mass distribution by a mathematical point mass without physical dimensions, is considered. An oblate spheroid model is presented, accompanied by an introduction to zonal harmonics. This spheroid model is generalized and forms the basis for a number of the spherical harmonic models which were developed for the earth and moon. The triaxial ellipsoid model is also presented. These models and their application to space missions are discussed.

NASA-SP-8118 Interplanetary charged particle models (1974). 75/03/00 47 PAGES 75N24607 #
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Divine, N. (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Interplanetary charged particle models (1974), NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8118 , NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD, United States), Mar 1975, pp. 47, (75N24607).
Keywords: astrophysics, astronomical models, charged particles, interplanetary medium, spacecraft components, cosmic rays, radiation damage, solar cells, solar protons, solar wind
Abstract:: The design of space vehicles for operation in interplanetary space is given, based on descriptions of solar wind, solar particle events, and galactic cosmic rays. A state-of-the-art review is presented and design criteria are developed from experiment findings aboard interplanetary and high-altitude earth-orbiting spacecraft. Solar cells were found to be particularly sensitive. Solar protons may also impact the reliability of electric propulsion systems and spacecraft surfaces, as well as causing interference, detector saturation, and spurious signals. Galactic cosmic-ray impact can lead to similar electronic failure and interference and may register in photographic films and other emulsions. It was concluded that solar wind electron measurements might result from differential charging when shadowed portions of the spacecraft acquired a negative charge from electron impact.

NASA-SP-8119 Liquid rocket disconnects, couplings, fittings, fixed joints, and seals. 76/09/00 164 PAGES 77N24191 #
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(Author(s) Not Available), Liquid rocket disconnects, couplings, fittings, fixed joints, and seals, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8119 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Sep 1976, pp. 164, (77N24191).
Keywords: spacecraft propulsion and power, couplings, disconnect devices, fittings, joints (junctions), liquid propellant rocket engines, seals, (stoppers), engine parts, equipment specifications, fluid transmission lines, fuel flow regulators, propulsion system configurations
Abstract:: State of the art and design criteria for components used in liquid propellant rocket propulsion systems to contain and control the flow of fluids involved are discussed. Particular emphasis is placed on the design of components used in the engine systems of boosters and upper stages, and in spacecraft propulsion systems because of the high pressure and high vibration levels to which these components are exposed. A table for conversion of U.S. customary units to SI units is included with a glossary, and a list of NASA space vehicle design criteria monographs issued to September 1976.

NASA-SP-8120 Liquid rocket engine nozzles. 76/07/00 120 PAGES 77N16108 #
sp8120.pdf - 6,276 KB (Author(s) Not Available), Liquid rocket engine nozzles, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8120 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Jul 1976, pp. 120, (77N6108).
Keywords: spacecraft propulsion and power, liquid propellant rocket engines, nozzle design, rocket nozzles, structural design criteria, aerospace engineering, performance prediction, spacecraft, structural weight, weight reduction
Abstract:: The nozzle is a major component of a rocket engine, having a significant influence on the overall engine performance and representing a large fraction of the engine structure. The design of the nozzle consists of solving simultaneously two different problems: the definition of the shape of the wall that forms the expansion surface, and the delineation of the nozzle structure and hydraulic system. This monography addresses both of these problems. The shape of the wall is considered from immediately upstream of the throat to the nozzle exit for both bell and annular (or plug) nozzles. Important aspects of the methods used to generate nozzle wall shapes are covered for maximum-performance shapes and for nozzle contours based on criteria other than performance. The discussion of structure and hydraulics covers problem areas of regeneratively cooled tube-wall nozzles and extensions; it treats also nozzle extensions cooled by turbine exhaust gas, ablation-cooled extensions, and radiation-cooled extensions. The techniques that best enable the designer to develop the nozzle structure with as little difficulty as possible and at the lowest cost consistent with minimum weight and specified performance are described.

NASA-SP-8121 Liquid rocket engine turbopump rotating-shaft seals. 78/02/00 160 PAGES 78N30584 #
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R.E. Burcham (NASA Lewis Research Center) and R.B. Keller, Jr. (NASA Lewis Research Center), Liquid rocket engine turbopump rotating-shaft seals, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8121 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States) and Rockwell International Corp. (Canoga Park, CA, United States), Feb 1978, pp. 160, (78N30584).
Keywords: mechanical engineering, leakage, seals (stoppers), systems engineering, turbine pumps, liquid propellant rocket engines, sealing, shafts (machine elements)
Abstract:: A monograph is organized and presents, for effective use in design, the significant experience and knowledge accumulated in development and operational programs to date. It reviews and assesses current practices, and from them establishes firm guidance for achieving greater consistency in design, increased reliability in the end product, and greater efficiency in the design effort. The monograph is divided into two major sections: state of the art and design criteria.

NASA-SP-8122 The environment of Titan, 1975. 76/07/00 45 PAGES 76N28138
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(Author(s) Not Available), The environment of Titan, 1975, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Environment), NASA SP-8122 , NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD, United States), Jul 1976, pp. 45, (76N28138).
Keywords: lunar and planetary exploration, atmospheric composition, atmospheric models, extraterrestrial environments, Saturn (planet), Titan, infrared spectroscopy, methane, mission planning, nitrogen, photometry, polarimetry, space probes, surface properties
Abstract:: Information regarding the physical characteristics of Titan and atmospheric models necessary to support design and mission planning of spacecraft that are to orbit Titan, enter its atmosphere or land on its surface is given.

NASA-SP-8123 Liquid rocket lines, bellows, flexible hoses, and filters. 77/04/00 186 PAGES 78N16089 #
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(Author(s) Not Available), Liquid rocket lines, bellows, flexible hoses, and filters, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8123 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States) and Rockwell International Corp. (Canoga Park, CA, United States), Apr 1977, pp. 186, (78N16089).
Keywords: spacecraft propulsion and power, bellows, feed systems, fluid filters, hoses, liquid propellant rocket engines, structural design criteria, flexibles bodies, linkages, propellant transfer, reliability engineering, systems analysis
Abstract:: Fluid-flow components in a liquid propellant rocket engine and the rocket vehicle which it propels are interconnected by lines, bellows, and flexible hoses. Elements involved in the successful design of these components are identified and current technologies pertaining to these elements are reviewed, assessed, and summarized to provide a technology base for a checklist of rules to be followed by project managers in guiding a design or assessing its adequacy. Recommended procedures for satisfying each of the design criteria are included.

NASA-SP-8124 Liquid rocket engine self-cooled combustion chambers. 77/09/00 130 PAGES 78N21211 #
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(Author(s) Not Available), Liquid rocket engine self-cooled combustion chambers, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8124 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Sep 1977, pp. 130, (78N21211).
Keywords: spacecraft propulsion and power, combustion chambers, cooling systems, liquid propellant rocket engines, temperature control, ablation, adiabatic conditions, heat sinks, internal flow, wall temperature
Abstract:: Self-cooled combustion chambers are chambers in which the chamber wall temperature is controlled by methods other than fluid flow within the chamber wall supplied from an external source. In such chambers, adiabatic wall temperature may be controlled by use of upstream fluid components such as the injector or a film-coolant ring, or by internal flow of self-contained materials; e.g. pyrolysis gas flow in charring ablators, and the flow of infiltrated liquid metals in porous matrices. Five types of self-cooled chambers are considered in this monograph. The name identifying the chamber is indicative of the method (mechanism) by which the chamber is cooled, as follows: ablative; radiation cooled; internally regenerative (Interegen); heat sink; adiabatic wall. Except for the Interegen and heat sink concepts, each chamber type is discussed separately. A separate and final section of the monograph deals with heat transfer to the chamber wall and treats Stanton number evaluation, film cooling, and film-coolant injection techniques, since these subjects are common to all chamber types. Techniques for analysis of gas film cooling and liquid film cooling are presented.

NASA-SP-8125 Liquid rocket engine axial-flow turbopumps. 78/04/00 127 PAGES 78N31164 #
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Scheer, D. D. (NASA Lewis Research Center), Huppert, M. C. (Rocketdyne), Viteri, F. (Aerojet Liquid Rocket Co.), Farquhar, J. (Aerojet Liquid Rocket Co.), and Keller, R. B., Jr.(NASA Lewis Research Center), Liquid rocket engine axial-flow turbopumps, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8125 , NASA Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH, United States), Apr 1978, pp. 130, (78N31164).
Keywords: spacecraft propulsion and power, axial flow pumps, engine design, liquid propellent rocket engines, spacecraft desian, chemical propulsion, hydrodynamics, liquid hydrogen, rotors, safety factors, stators, technology assessment
Abstract:: The axial pump is considered in terms of the total turbopump assembly. Stage hydrodynamic design, pump rotor assembly, pump materials for liquid hydrogen applications, and safety factors as utilized in state of the art pumps are among the topics discussed. Axial pump applications are included.

NASA-SP-8126 Glossary of terms and table of conversion factors used in design of chemical propulsion systems. 79/10/00 89 PAGES 80N17136 #
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R.B. Keller, Jr. (NASA), Glossary of terms and table of conversion factors used in design of chemical propulsion systems, NASA SPACE VEHICLE DESIGN CRITERIA (Chemical), NASA SP-8126 , NASA (Washington, DC, United States), Oct 1979, pp. 89, (80N17136).
Keywords: spacecraft propulsion and power, chemical propulsion, conversion tables, dictionaries, spacecraft propulsion, structural design criteria, international system of units, production management, thermodynamic properties
Abstract:: The glossary presented is based entirely on terms used in the monographs on Chemical Propulsion. Significant terms relating to material properties and to material fabrication are presented. The terms are arranged in alphabetical order, with multiple word terms appearing in the normal sequence of usage; for example, ablative cooling appears as such, not as cooling, ablative, and lip seal appears as such, not as seal, lip. Conversion Factors for converting U.S. customary units to the International System of Units are presented in alphabetical order of the physical quantity (e.g., density, heat flux, specific impulse) involved.

Compiled by: Ray Calkins, 17 July, 2002; updated 27 Nov., 2003